Ingredients: Peaches and Sugar
I placed my peaches in a large vat of water and let them sit in the water for a while before peeling them. Some people use the boiling water method to peel peaches but my preferred method is using the tool that I use to peel my potatoes.
After peeling the peaches, I cut them into slices. I then take a small paring knife and cut out the dark area where the peach pit was because this is a bitter area and sometimes contain bits of the peach pits. I use a large plastic bucket and layer peaches and sugar into it and let the peaches and sugar sit, stirring occasionally, until the sugar is melted. Can be left overnight, if desired.
I've got a large pressure cooker and I place the peaches with the juice into the pressure cooker but I do not pressure cook the peaches. Bring them to a boil, stirring constantly, and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Let cool. Repeat this process four times or until the juice has thickened into syrup.
Cover canner and bring to a boil and let boil for 25 minutes. Remove jars from canner and set on towel on counter top. Lids should pop/seal after removal from canner. Next day, check jars to make sure all lids have sealed. If rims are loose, screw to secure but do not screw tight.
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